The Best Bubble Tea Topping Combinations

When the word ‘bubble tea' comes to mind, you're probably thinking of a classic milk tea with chewy tapioca pearls. But in 2025 the world of bubble tea has evolved to contain a vast range of different ‘toppings' that you can add to any bubble tea drink, to give it a different flavour and texture.
With the amount of toppings available today, it can be an overwhelming experience for consumers to approach a bubble tea counter and choose the perfect combination of flavours and toppings for their bubble tea drink. To make this experience easier for consumers, bubble tea shop owners should consider listing a handful of ready-selected drink combinations, created by seeing inspiring recipes and of course, trial and error to perfect these recipes to suit the needs of your customers. Creating the perfect bubble tea combinations is what will have your customers coming back for more, time and time again!
Bubble Tea Toppings
Bubble tea toppings have come a long way since the original tapioca pearls in milk tea. Today, there is a wide variety of toppings that can be added to your bubble tea drink, to give it an interesting and different experience each time. Toppings like flavoured popping balls, coconut jelly, Q mochi and aloe vera don't just add an exciting texture, but they also provide a different flavour to the drink. By selecting different toppings you can have a unique experience, while also discovering what toppings you enjoy the most. Here are some of the most popular bubble tea toppings at the moment, and our recommended pairings for each topping.
Tapioca Pearls
Tapioca pearls are a key ingredient for a classic milk bubble tea. They have a chewy texture, which allows you to chew and sip at the same time through the classic thick bubble tea straw. Tapioca pearls are usually paired with a classic milk tea, using a black or oolong tea as a base. The chewy tapioca pearls are perfectly complemented by the creamy milk tea, and are a go-to for those seeking an authentic bubble tea experience.
Popping Balls
For a more refreshing and fruity option, you can opt for flavoured popping balls which are essentially a small round ball (about the same size as a tapioca pearl) that are designed to pop when chewed to release a concentrated burst of flavour. Popping balls come in a range of flavours, from every fruit flavour you could imagine, to other flavours like yogurt and honey. As popping balls have rich concentrated flavours, these are best paired with a fruit tea (made by combining green tea and flavoured syrup). By adding popping balls to your fruit teas, you can explore numerous flavour combinations. For example, you could make a ‘Lemon & Honey Bubble Tea‘ by combining green tea, lemon syrup and honey popping balls.
Coconut Jellies
Another refreshing option for your bubble tea creations is the inclusion of coconut jellies, a firm texture that is lightly flavoured (usually with fruit flavours). Coconut jellies are best combined with fruit teas, and can also be incorporated alongside popping balls. Many customers enjoy the experience of both a scoop of popping balls and a scoop of coconut jellies, as they provide a different experience for each sip. See how we have incorporate this into our Halloween ‘Toxic Waste' recipe.
Red Bean & Taro
For those who are after a more traditional topping that still provides a rich and sweet addition, boiled sweet taro or boiled sweet red bean are excellent options. Boiled sweet taro has a smooth, buttery texture that can be mashed up and added to a drink, while boiled sweet red bean has a more earthy sweet flavour. Both taro and red bean pair perfectly with flavours like taro, matcha, or thai milk tea, enhancing their natural flavours to create a comforting drink.
Cream Foam
Our range of cream foam powders, are used to create a comforting, rich cream to layer on the top of your bubble tea drink. Also well known as ‘cheese foam', this topping goes particularly well with milk based teas and can really take your drink to the next level of indulgent, making it the ultimate treat. Check out our recipe here on how to prepare cream foam.
How to Pair Toppings with Different Bubble Tea Flavours
Choosing the right combination of toppings and tea bases can elevate your bubble tea offering, giving all types of consumers an option that suits them. For classic milk tea, tapioca pearls will be your most popular option as the chewy tapioca perfectly compliments the rich creamy milk tea. For fruit tea, either flavoured popping balls, coconut jellies (or both!) are the best option as they add a burst of flavour and match well with the flavoured syrups used in fruit tea. Traditional toppings like boiled sweet taro or boiled sweet red bean tend to pair best with milk teas.
While we have recommended best pairings, at the end of the day toppings and bubble tea flavours is highly subjective, and your customers might have unique combination requests. Which is why it is important to stay up to date with trends in the market, and ensure you have a wide range of toppings to suit your key customers needs.
Taipec's Premium Toppings
Taipec offers a wide range of high quality toppings that can elevate your bubble tea creations. Our product development team are continuously working on sourcing new and interesting toppings to ensure your customers can enjoy some of the most innovative recipes. When buying from Taipec, you can be confident that the quality you buy is always made from the finest, most authentic ingredients.
With so many toppings to choose from, the key to a perfect bubble tea lies in finding the right combination. Whether you prefer the classics or more adventurous choices, Taipec’s range of premium toppings offers something for every bubble tea lover. So go ahead, mix and match, and discover your ideal bubble tea topping combination today.