Our Top Bubble Teas – Another Top 3

We love Boba! In fact we love it so much that we just had to come back with another list of our top bubble teas!

In our last two posts on our top bubble teas (Top 3 Bubble teas & Top 5 favourite bobas) we covered some of our top bubble teas. From classics to more adventurous taro and coconut bobas, we just can't get enough of bubble tea. There is such a great range to choose from and with the flavours on offer, there really is something for everyone!

Our Top Bubble Teas

1 – Honeydew

Honeydew is a hidden classic in the world of boba. Growing rapidly in popularity, honeydew is a sweet and refreshing flavour that is perfect for summer. Going perfectly with our full range of black teas, honeydew is your must try flavour this summer. A versatile boba that is great with traditional tapioca pearls and popping boba alike, we think 2023 is the year for honeydew boba.

Whether you're out and about enjoying the city or catching up with friends, honeydew should be top of your list of bobas to try.

2 – Thai Milk Tea

Another hidden favourite rapidly growing in popularity is thai milk tea. Made with a strongly brewed black tea and milky creamer, thai tea is definitely one of our favourite bubble teas. Perfect when you're looking for something a little different from classic milk or contemporary fruity teas, this is definitely one to watch for 2022.

3 – Chocolate and Foam

Ok. Here us out on this one… If you haven't had the chance to try chocolate bubble tea then you are missing out. And as strange as it may sound, chocolate boba with a creamy foam on top is one of the most unique taste experiences we have had the pleasure of trying. Next time you're feeling adventurous, give it a try!

Running your own boba shop? Or looking to start?

Taipec are the experts in helping you start or grow your business. As an experienced and trusted partner you are in safe hands with us. Contact us today to see how we can help you