Taro Bubble Tea

Of all the boba flavours popular around the world, Taro Bubble Tea is an enduring favourite. But what gives it its distinctive colour and taste?

When perusing the menu of your local bubble tea shop you will be greeted with a wall of flavour options. With endless combinations of bright colours and popping boba you may have missed a classic bubble tea favourite: Taro Boba. Its soft jasmine colouring contrasting sharply with the deep black chewy tapioca balls provides a visually appealing and intriguing bubble tea. Whether it's taro pearl tea or taro boba, it's not to be missed!

What is Taro Bubble Tea?

What is Taro?

Taro pearl tea is incredibly popular in South-East Asia, where the drink originated. Walking down any busy high street, you will likely see these soft purple drinks contrasting with the brightly coloured fruity alternatives. But is Taro?

Taro is one of the oldest crops in the world and is a starchy staple root vegetable across much of Southeast Asia. Because of this, it is a traditional boba base, and its distinctly soft purple colour comes from the natural white-purple colour of the root.

What does Taro Boba taste like?

Taro offers a unique taste experience for bubble tea fans with a sweet, natural, vanilla taste. A hint of nut that provides a careful balance between sweet and savoury complements this sweet flavour. Adding to this the traditional tapioca balls and syrup to sweeten your taste, and you have a unique, tasty treat that is a favourite amongst many boba fans.

Is it Lactose-Free?

In a previous post, we discussed lactose-free creamers. Whether boba is lactose-free is the first question on many people's lips. Whether through health restrictions or the shift to a plant-based diet, lactose-free options are a great alternative.

While milk is often added to boba to complement the tea flavour, the addition of alternative milk, such as oat milk, is a great way of making sure that your boba remains lactose-free. In addition to this, the slightly nutty flavour of taro complements the occasionally nutty flavour of alternative kinds of milk. This makes taro pearl tea a perfect lactose-free boba.

If you're craving the delightful Taro Bubble Tea experience, Taipec has you covered. As a leading supplier of bubble tea ingredients and supplies, we offer everything you need to create the perfect Taro Boba drinks. From taro powder to tapioca pearls, we provide high-quality products that will elevate your bubble tea offerings. Whether you're starting a new bubble tea shop or looking to enhance your existing menu, our range of options and expertise will ensure your success.

Contact Taipec today and embark on a journey of flavour, colour, and excellence in the world of Taro Bubble Tea.