Autumn Bubble Tea Flavours – Taipec’s Top 5

Autumn Bubble Tea Flavours

Autumn is upon us and so too is the festive drink selection season. Walk in to any high street coffee chain and the next few weeks will be awash with autumn inspired special menu drinks. From autumn inspired spices to Halloween pumpkin, a seasonal menu is a great way to draw in new customers. This is a great opportunity for your bubble tea shop to get in on the seasonal drink game. So, let's take a look at Taipec's top 3 autumn bubble tea flavours.

Autumn is the time of year that lends itself well to warm drinks. There is nothing better than cupping your hands around a warm steaming tea and sipping its revitalising flavours. And bubble tea may just be the best autumn drink out there. Being infinitely customisable and versatile, there is an autumn boba for you. So, let's take a look at some autumn inspired bubble tea flavours.

Taipec's Top 3 Autumn Bubble Tea Flavours

Coming up are our top 3 autumn bubble tea ideas.

1 – Classic milk tea

Classic milk tea has to be the first on our autumn bubble tea list. This classic is loved all over the world and is the boba that started the global trend. Warm, refreshing, and fortifying, classic milk tea is an autumn classic.

2 – Cinnamon

Taking a leaf out of the big chain playbook, try infusing your bubble tea with cinnamon later in autumn to start to get into the winter spirit. There's something soothing about the soft aroma of cinnamon on a cold day and we think your customers will love it.

3 – Pumpkin

There is no flavour that tastes like autumn quite like pumpkin. Major coffee chains have made pumpkin-based lattes a mainstay in the yearly seasonal menu, and this year is the year boba shops should get in on the action. Pumpkin spiced boba could be your next best seller!

Interested In Making Taipec Your UK Bubble Tea Supplier?

Taipec is the UK's largest bubble tea supplier and we are passionate about sharing bubble tea with the UK. We supply thousands of boba shops all over the UK and our dedicated teams in the UK and Taiwan are on hand to share the best of Taiwanese cuisine with your customers. Contact us today to discuss your needs and see how Taipec can take your boba business to the next level.