How Large is a Bubble Tea Serving?

Boba tea is taking the world by storm and has achieved cult status. But how large is a bubble tea serving?

Bubble tea (or Boba tea) is a multi-coloured creative concoction that came out of Taiwan in the 1980s and has since spread across the world. Bubble tea shops have sprung up all over the UK, and social media is now awash with eye-catching images of boba creations. But how large is a Bubble tea serving?

How large is a boba tea serving?

The standard size – 500ml

500ml is the standard size for a bubble tea drink, and this is the same all over the world. Although new bubble tea flavours are emerging every day, the basic ingredients (tea, tapioca, toppings) and the cup and straw from which they are consumed are standard. This makes it easy to standardise operations as the owner of a bubble tea shop. This also means that bubble tea fans know what they are getting wherever they go.

The larger option – 700ml

As with all things fast food, there is the option to go larger. 700ml is the larger option for bubble tea fans looking to get a larger fix of their favourite boba flavours. “How large is a bubble tea serving?” will be a question many customers will ask, and so having the option for a standard and larger serving is a must for any bubble tea shop owner.

The importance of quality

Standardising the size of bubble tea drinks is helpful for maintaining standards across the industry, and offering a larger option that diversifies your bubble tea shop offering will help boost your profits. However, size is not the only issue. Making sure you offer the highest quality ingredients and have the right staff training will be key to ensuring the success of your enterprise. Feel free to contact us to see how we can help you realise your bubble tea business ambitions.