Is Bubble Tea Gluten Free?

If you are a bubble tea lover or newcomer with gluten sensitivities, navigating the diverse world of bubble tea ingredients can be a bit challenging. However, do not worry because at Taipec, we understand the importance of providing gluten-free bubble tea options to our customers. In this article, we explore gluten in bubble tea, gluten-free varieties, precautions for gluten-intolerant individuals and guide you on making your own gluten-free bubble tea at home. 

Understanding gluten in bubble tea ingredients

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, barley and rye and can be present in a variety of food and drink ingredients for example, wheat flour, malt and wheat-based thickeners or stabilisers. For products to be claimed “gluten-free”, only 20 parts per million (ppm) or less of gluten is allowed in that product. There is a rapid allergen test which is a lateral flow test used to test whether a substance has gluten in it. A kit will contain a swab, solution and test strip and the result will give a visual interpretation of a colour change or line. In a lab, it can be tested for using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

To answer the big question: all our bubble tea ingredients including tea, creamer, fructose, tapioca and toppings are gluten-free. However, it is possible gluten can sneak into bubble tea ingredients. To combat this, we prioritise offering gluten-free bubble tea products through rigorous testing, ensuring that our customers can indulge in their favourite beverage without the worry of gluten-related concerns. 

Gluten-free varieties of bubble tea

Although all our products are gluten-free, here are some suggestions for the availability of gluten-free bubble tea options in the market.

Original milk tea, which typically consists of tea, milk, and sugar, is generally gluten-free. However, it's essential to be cautious about certain additives or flavourings that may be used, as they could potentially contain gluten. Always check the ingredient list or inquire with the supplier to ensure that the specific product is gluten-free.

Flavoured milk teas, on the other hand, may vary. The flavourings and syrups added to enhance the taste can sometimes contain gluten. Common sources of gluten in flavoured milk teas include certain syrups, thickeners or additives. To enjoy a gluten-free flavoured milk tea, it's crucial to choose products that explicitly state they are gluten-free or to carefully read the ingredient list. At Taipec, you can be sure that all our bubble tea products are gluten-free.

Precautions for gluten-intolerant bubble tea lovers

Although all our bubble tea products are gluten-free, it is important to take precautions when ordering your bubble tea. Check for certification logos or labels on bubble tea products, indicating that they are gluten-free. 

Although cassava root, what tapioca balls are made of, naturally do not contain gluten, there is still a risk of cross contamination. They are ground in factories which may handle grains and wheat and some bubble tea recipes contain tapioca balls coated in wheat flour-based starch. 

Some shops use simple syrup or sugar to sweeten the drink, instead of fructose, which is something to be aware of when ordering your drink.

Overall, when ordering at a store, be sure to communicate your dietary restrictions to the staff to ensure they are aware of your needs.