Bubble Tea Syrup – What Does It Add To Your Drink?

There is a lot of mention of syrup in the bubble tea space, but where is syrup used? and what exactly does it do?

The Where and Why of Bubble Tea Syrup

Where is it used?

Syrup is used in almost every type of bubble tea available, and boba syrup is no exception. Along with tea, milk, and tapioca balls, syrup is one of the key ingredients of bubble tea. It is as integral to the taste, flavour, and experience of boba as the distinctive chewiness of tapioca pearls.

Scroll through the options on the syrup list of your local boba tea shop (or on Taipec online!) and you will likely find endless options. From traditional brown sugar and fructose to lemon and kumquat, there is a syrup to sweeten your boba.

Although brown sugar syrup is undoubtedly the classic, boba creativity knows no bounds. Today, you can find a syrup to complement, or contrast, with any boba flavour. Some of our favourites for a unique and different flavour are:

Why is it used?

Simply put, syrups are used in bubble tea to distinguish one boba from another. By adding extra flavour to tea, one tea can create a huge number of tasty options. And with many teas, toppings, and optional extras, syrup adds that final tasty touch to an exquisite sweet treat.

Concentrated syrup is added to further influence the flavour of boba tea, offering an even greater range of flavours and levels of sweetness. Here at Taipec we stock an equally expansive range of concentrated syrups that work hand-in-hand with syrup to create the flavours of your dreams.

Some of our favourite concentrated syrups available through Taipec are:

  • Kiwi – for a down-under twist and unique flavour.
  • Mango – for a perfectly balanced and tasty sweet tea.
  • Blueberry – for a sharp sweetness and taste of summer.